Well, we bought this game on the strength of it being a zombie game. We had played the Zombies! game before, but we found it very random. It was fun to play, but it took too long to play (specially with the expansions) and the rules needed tweaking to the point where you were playing using house rules.
And then Last Night on Earth came around. Published by Flying Frog Productions, this is their very first game, and I have to say it is very good. In this game some players play the villagers and others the zombies. There are several scenarios: mostly the villagers will be attempting to escape the village or stop the zombies in some way. The zombies have to stop the villagers from achieving their goal, for example, in one scenario they have to get into the Manor House, in a different one they have to make sure the heroes do not manage to Escape in the truck.
So far, all the scenarios we have played have been very closely matched. Usually there is a couple of turns left before one side or the other have managed to achieve their victory condition. There are cards for both Zombies and Villagers that can help or hinder either side. The zombies can lock the doors just as you are about to go rushing in or out of a building, the villagers can climb out of or in through windows instead of using the doors or prevent all zombies from crawling into buildings by barricading themselves in. Both sides can play cards to increase the number of dice they roll in the event of a fight (as this is the way to resolve zombie-villager encounters) or make sure that in an event of a tie the villager wins (as usually it is the zombie that wins ties), you can stop fights from happening or even throw a stick of dinamyte or a can of gasoline and a torch or lighter and blow up a few zombies (and a villager or two if you are unlucky).
There is now an expansion to the game about to come out: Growing Hunger, which I hope will introduce lots of new events and scenarios to the game. I know new villagers are being introduced, together with new kinds of weapons (I just can't wait to see the shears in action).
And then Last Night on Earth came around. Published by Flying Frog Productions, this is their very first game, and I have to say it is very good. In this game some players play the villagers and others the zombies. There are several scenarios: mostly the villagers will be attempting to escape the village or stop the zombies in some way. The zombies have to stop the villagers from achieving their goal, for example, in one scenario they have to get into the Manor House, in a different one they have to make sure the heroes do not manage to Escape in the truck.
So far, all the scenarios we have played have been very closely matched. Usually there is a couple of turns left before one side or the other have managed to achieve their victory condition. There are cards for both Zombies and Villagers that can help or hinder either side. The zombies can lock the doors just as you are about to go rushing in or out of a building, the villagers can climb out of or in through windows instead of using the doors or prevent all zombies from crawling into buildings by barricading themselves in. Both sides can play cards to increase the number of dice they roll in the event of a fight (as this is the way to resolve zombie-villager encounters) or make sure that in an event of a tie the villager wins (as usually it is the zombie that wins ties), you can stop fights from happening or even throw a stick of dinamyte or a can of gasoline and a torch or lighter and blow up a few zombies (and a villager or two if you are unlucky).
There is now an expansion to the game about to come out: Growing Hunger, which I hope will introduce lots of new events and scenarios to the game. I know new villagers are being introduced, together with new kinds of weapons (I just can't wait to see the shears in action).