Monday, 14 January 2008

New link

Well, that took some time to get a new entry, didn't it?

Well then, forget about this one, because he has gone and changed the contents of the blog. I will have to write an update to the new contents of this link, but just so that you know, this page no longer has anything religion connected.

Anyway, I just got this link and had to post it because I find reading this site most interesting and eye opening. No, you do not have to agree with everything the writer of these articles says, but you have to admit that they are well written.

Even if you do not agree with these articles, I have found they do incite thinking and understading. We should not take everything that we are told as true, therein lies our main mistake. We should not follow as sheep but think for ourselves, and it is articles like these that make us stop and think and question our beliefs, our stance on life and everything that we are supposed to follow because somebody interpreted it that way instead of delving deeper and trying to find the possible mistakes, the mistranslations, the errors, the mere changes made to accommodate the prevalent train of thought and politics of the time when they were written or translated. This always puts me in mind of a joke I heard a long time ago:

There is this abbey dedicated to the copying and illuminating of sacred books. One of the scribes has a damaged "original" copy and requests of the abbot that he goes and looks for the original book in the library so that he may make a new copy to replace the damaged one they are using. The abbot comes out of the library a little while later cluthing a manuscript in his hand and crying. All the monks surround him very concerned wondering what is wrong. The abbot points at the scroll: "It says celebrate, celebrate not celibate..."

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